Governor’s Internship Program with WV Division of Culture and History


My work during my time at the West Virginia Culture Center was various and challenging, but the most rewarding project I had the pleasure of working on was the Highway Historical Markers Project. I performed preliminary research and authored 35 new signs during my time working with the WV State Archives.

Highway Historical Markers Project


An example of the highway historical markers seen throughout WV

I wrote 35 new markers while working with the West Virginia State Archives. The criterion for writing these markers is demanding. Each marker must accurately summarize and depict the historical event or location in question, while also adhering to the limits of the design.

Each line may not exceed 35 characters (including spaces), for a total of 11 lines of text. Writing often took much longer than expected, as the text had to be drafted and rewritten in many iterationsĀ to find the draft that best fit.

Here are two examples of the work I completed that will appear on signs after 2016:



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